cas online development

Are you planning to develop an online course?

Enroll now in the CAS Online Development Course led by Dr. Caitlin Barnes.

As an instructional designer, adjunct professor and assistant director of Outreach, Caitlin helps faculty succeed in online instruction.

This course is designed to inform CAS instructors of the high-quality standards CAS has for its online courses, and provide tips and strategies to prepare and deliver an CAS Online course offering.

This course was created as training for those new to online education, or those who have never taught an online course through CAS Outreach. Faculty who taught online courses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are still considered new online instructors. No previous online experience is required to complete the course. Although geared for those new to online education, experienced instructors are welcome to complete the course to receive updates on CAS resources, innovative online strategies including accessibility tips, and how to engage a diverse population of learners.

The course is self-paced and will take approximately 10-15 hours to complete.

Course Goals

  • Inform instructors of the high-quality standards held by OSU and CAS Online
  • Present research-based teaching strategies for delivering a high-quality online course
  • Provide resources for both online instructors and students in online courses to assist in CAS Online success


This course is the first step in developing an online course. By meeting the course goals, you should be able to:

  • Create a syllabus suitable for an online audience as described through the CAS online syllabus template descriptions.
  • Develop a structure and schedule for an online course using CAS high-quality standards and best practices for online instruction.
  • Construct and facilitate an interactive and engaging online course using strategies provided in the CAS Online Development course, which meets the research-based requirements outlined in the OSCQR online course quality rubric.

Request to Enroll